Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cottage-style Concierge Industry is Flourishing

Concierge Services, Errand Services & Personal Assistants:
This exciting industry is the fastest growing segment in it's field!

With busy lifestyles and hectic extracurricular activities, it is no surprise that more and more Canadians are reaching for a helping hand from the Concierge and Errand Service Industry. This is no longer a service for the rich and famous. Most double income families who struggle with lifestyle stress need to or should delegate a few chores to maintain balance and harmony in their family home. Services range from running simple errands, home organizers, grocery shopping, dog walking, house cleaning , waiting in line for art, to catering in-home parties for various celebrations to the bizarre! Concierge services and their busy personal assistants wear many hats to accommodate their client's needs.

The Canadian Concierge Directory is a web-based organization created to promote industry recognition across Canada and to lend a helping hand to fellow members with advice, camaraderie and to share business referrals within the membership.

Although there are several large players catering to Fortune 500 companies in the corporate sector, it is a small cottage industry as a whole. A plethora of small privately owned businesses working from their homes. Clients enjoy the personalized and diverse offerings they receive from the smaller independent operators dotted across the provinces and they can't wait to share this new found 'freedom' with their friends. With the increasing demand for more help there are endless opportunities for enterprising entrepreneurs who have a keen energy level, are expert time managers and who can swiftly problem solve for their customers.
The most gratifying aspect of our work is going to bed every night knowing that you made a difference in some one's life by lightening their load and putting a smile on their face. The most exciting part of our work is that there is never a dull moment with new and exciting assignments coming in on a daily basis!

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